Fallout 76 - Team gesucht

  • Sloger  Mexular  Toxin White und ich wären jetzt im TS aufzufinden c:

    In welchem Channel bist du denn zu finden?

    Aktuelle Ränge SWTOR:RP

    Darth Mexular

    Gildenleiter Ajunt Jatabi

    Specialist 203rd Ajunta Jata

    Großmeister Hüter Marvin Mexon

    Ehmalige Ränge CW:RP

    Flottenadmiral Onasi

    CT Commander Mexular

    Schmuggler Ajunt Jata

    Einheitsjedi (CT) Corporal Marvin Korr

    ST Lieutenant Mexon

    41st Captain Mexon

    501st Lieutenant Mexon

    SO Captain Mexon

    TEB Sergeant IT Mexon

    Kantine Vize Chef




    Ex SWTOR:RP Moderator

    Ex CW:RP Senior-Moderator

    Ex IMP:RP Admin

    Ex DarkRP Admin

  • In welchem Channel bist du denn zu finden?

    Er ist jetzt schon weg

    attack on titan GIFattack on titan mikasa shingeki no kyojin GIF

    “The Brain May Forget, But The Heart Will Remember”

    ― Yato-Noragami

    "They killed us... They killed us all... Why?"

    "Orders. You never read the GAR's contingency orders?"
    ―Arligan Zey and Ordo Skirata

    “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.”
    — The Doctor

    “No matter what lies you tell, you can't fool your own heart.” ~ Meliodas

  • Wann habt ihr denn alle Zeit, dass wir eventuell mal zu 3-4 spielen können?

    attack on titan GIFattack on titan mikasa shingeki no kyojin GIF

    “The Brain May Forget, But The Heart Will Remember”

    ― Yato-Noragami

    "They killed us... They killed us all... Why?"

    "Orders. You never read the GAR's contingency orders?"
    ―Arligan Zey and Ordo Skirata

    “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.”
    — The Doctor

    “No matter what lies you tell, you can't fool your own heart.” ~ Meliodas

  • Ich und Kray zocken gleich etwas Fallout, jemand bock mitzudaddeln?

    attack on titan GIFattack on titan mikasa shingeki no kyojin GIF

    “The Brain May Forget, But The Heart Will Remember”

    ― Yato-Noragami

    "They killed us... They killed us all... Why?"

    "Orders. You never read the GAR's contingency orders?"
    ―Arligan Zey and Ordo Skirata

    “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.”
    — The Doctor

    “No matter what lies you tell, you can't fool your own heart.” ~ Meliodas

  • Morgen jemand etwas Fallout zocken? Kray How bout you?

    attack on titan GIFattack on titan mikasa shingeki no kyojin GIF

    “The Brain May Forget, But The Heart Will Remember”

    ― Yato-Noragami

    "They killed us... They killed us all... Why?"

    "Orders. You never read the GAR's contingency orders?"
    ―Arligan Zey and Ordo Skirata

    “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.”
    — The Doctor

    “No matter what lies you tell, you can't fool your own heart.” ~ Meliodas

  • Yama 25. Januar 2019 um 14:16

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.
  • Yama 25. Januar 2019 um 14:17

    Hat das Label Veraltet hinzugefügt.
  • Yama 25. Januar 2019 um 14:17

    Hat das Thema aus dem Forum Anderes nach Archiv verschoben.