91st Prakti hat Texturfehler an dessen Kopf

Wie ihr wahrscheinlich mitbekommen habt, fällt das Forum in letzter Zeit des Öfteren aus. Die Forenverwaltung arbeitet gewissenhaft an den Problemen und versucht, diese so schnell wie möglich zu beheben. Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis.
  • Joa, ein 91st Prakti hat einen Schwarzlilanen Kopf.

    In den Logs hab ich speziell danach gesucht, ob auf die Textur nicht zugegriffen werden kann. Ich glaub, dass das, was ich gefunden habe, nichts mit diesem Model zu tun hat. Aber trotzdem zeig ich sie mal. Vielleicht hilft es bei weiteren Sachen.


    Couldn't find/load font 'Trebuchet', falling back to 'Tahoma'..

    Requesting texture value from var "$basetexture" which is not a texture value (material: wos-alcs-treename-jedi ritter)

    fisher\clone\trooper\hands.mdl/weapons/c_arms_animations.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4"

    Error! Variable "$envmapcontrast" is multiply defined in material "katharsmodels/syringe_out/syringe_body"!

    Failed to load sound "sanctum2\towers\tower_entry1.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository

    Failed to load sound "sanctum2\towers\tower_impact1.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (27129) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (25494) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (19863) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (24972) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (20460) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (21429) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (25407) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (28536) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (25848) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (29139) Not adding to player\b1battledroids\b1_base.mdl.

    Failed to load sound "backpackclos.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository

    models/cheek/327th/trooper/hands.mdl/weapons/c_arms_animations.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4"

    Failed to load sound "sanctum2\towers\tower_impact3.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository

    Failed to load sound "sanctum2\towers\tower_entry2.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository

    Failed to load sound "sanctum2\towers\tower_impact2.ogg", file probably missing from disk/repository

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (23934) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (28005) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (26829) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (31554) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (22047) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (21153) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (19803) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (31020) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (20262) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (18621) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (20733) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (21102) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (29988) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (30051) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (29634) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (28527) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (25569) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.

    Decal has more than 16384 indices! (25404) Not adding to player\hydro\b2_battledroid\b2_battledroid.mdl.


  • Ice


  • Dexton 2. Dezember 2022 um 22:20

    Hat das Thema geschlossen.
  • Dexton 2. Dezember 2022 um 22:21

    Hat das Label Fehler behoben hinzugefügt.